College Handbook for Class of 2025 with translations now available!

College Handbook for Class of 2025 with translations now available!

The College Office Handbook for the Class of 2025 has been updated and is now available in your Naviance accounts.  You’ll find it in "Document Resources", in the folder "College Office".  The Document Resources section can be found by clicking on the circle with your initials in the upper right corner of your Naviance screen. You can also find it in the Document Hub on Talos at this link.

Make sure to read the handbook in its entirety before the end of the first term.  It contains a great deal of information, some advice, and many very useful hyperlinks.  Reading the handbook will help you to feel more informed about the college admissions process and will preemptively answer many of your questions. 

You may also access it in Bengali, Spanish, Korean, Russian and Chinese.