Last weekend, StuyPulse robotics competed at the Pittsburgh regional. They went undefeated, ranked 1st out of 53 teams, and captained the winning alliance! They also …
Stuyvesant’s FTC Robotics teams 310 Stuy Fission and 479 Stuy Fusion opened their competition seasons this past weekend at their first qualifier. 310 received the …
Congratulations to Stuy Science Olympiad Team! Here is the link to the results for this year's Cornell University Science Olympiad Invitational Tournament:
Team A placed …
Last weekend, Stuyvesant High School Robotics Team 694 StuyPulse competed at Robo Replay, a robotics competition at John Dewey High School. They competed with 2 …
Students are welcome to go to the Stuyvesant Robotics interest meeting on September 23 and 25 after school in the cafeteria! Anybody interested is welcome …
Congratulations to StuyPulse 694 for advancing all the way to the finals at the NYC Regionals competition this past weekend. While we did not prevail, …
A huge shoutout to FTC robotics teams Stuy, Fusion 479 and Stuy Fission 310!
Stuyvesant’s FTC Robotics teams 310 Stuy Fission and 479 Stuy Fusion …
On Friday, May 12, Brookfield Place welcomed StuyPulse Robotics to demo their robots featuring JIM, their FRC robot that won the NYC Regionals this year …
Assistant Principal, Jennifer Suri shares congratulations to senior Daniel Liu for his 2nd place win in the Software and Robotics Division of the NYC Terra …
Congrats to Stuy Robotics 310 Team Stuy Fission! NYC qualifier winning their alliance and 1st place Inspires
Huge thanks to alliance partners @nighthawk_robotics, and …
Congrats to StuyPulse694 Robotics on another Stuy Splash on December 10, 2022! Thanks to all the presenters, participants, and volunteers, Stuy Splash 2022 was an …
Congratulations to Stuy Fission Robotics, who made it to NYC Super Qualifications! They were able to qualify as Inspire 2nd Place, Finalist Alliance 1st Pick, …
Congratulations to Macy Jiang and Michelle Liang; winners of the Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship, which is awarded to 100 seniors pursing Computer Science or …
Congratulations to junior, Abigail Rees whose animation from her class with Ms. Dillon was selected for the 2022 Public School Film Festival! The festival was …
Congrats to Stuy Robotics StuyPulse 694, who WON the NYC Regional Championships on Sunday and were named winners of the Innovation in Control Award once …
Coach, Mr. James Lonardo shares that at last week's FIRST Tech Challenge competition, Stuyvesant's Robotics teams performed admirably. Team 479, Stuy Fusion and Team 310 …
Congratulations to StuyPulse 694 Robotics! They won at NYC Roborama at Francis Lewis High School at their first off-season event of the year. Shoutout to …
Ms. Leslie Bernstein shares some highlights from a stop-motion project that she worked on with students this semester.
Hope you enjoy it!
An exciting opportunity for Stuyvesant students!
The Discover Architecture career exploration event, a free virtual one-day conference for high school students interested in learning …
Ms. Leslie Bernstein shares that or a remote learning project the 3-D Art & Technology classes designed and made a light sculpture. They drew their …
Ms. Leslie Bernstein’s Woodworking classes set up games this week for students to enjoy at the north end of the 2nd floor atrium including …
Zoe Piccirillo and Margaret Woo were in a group this past August in the Summer Innovation Program. They are currently
leading a campaign with the …
Stuyvesant Robotics is hosting Stuy Splash on Saturday, December 14th at Stuyvesant High School. This is a series of lectures given by both StuyPulse …
On Thursday, November 7th, StuyFission Robotics 310 had a great time at the FIRST Inspire Gala at Cipriani Wall Street honoring Soledad O’Brien …
This weekend, the Robotics team competed at the Duel on the Delaware offseason event. During this competition they went undefeated, with a record of …
This weekend, our FRC robotics team, StuyPulse, competed with their newest robot, Aunt Mary. They finished first in qualifying matches, swept through the playoffs and …
On Wednesday 11/20, Mr. Blay and the StuyPulse Robotics team were invited to the NBC building by their sponsor Comcast for a tour of 30 …
Stuypulse finished in 1st place at Brunswick Eruption, the off-season competition hosted at North Brunswick Township HS. They placed 2nd seed with their off-season robot …
Last weekend, Stuyvesant High School Robotics Team 694 StuyPulse competed at Chezy Champs, a prestigious robotics competition in California that only select teams are invited …
Congrats to Stuy Robotics! StuyPulse 694 participated in the World Championships last week (our 17th time making it to WORLDS!). They seeded 14th in the …
Students and parents, if you or a child/sibling are eager to delve into STEM at Stuyvesant, mark your calendars! The Stuyvesant STEM Fair, a …
Stuyvesant Robotics’ interest meeting is happening on 9/26 and 9/27 in the cafeteria after school!
Join to find out more about the teams, how you …
Congratulations to our StuyPulse 694 Robotics team on an amazing 2023 season soon to be at a close.
This season was incredible! StuyPulse 694 received …
Congratulations to StuyPulse 694, our Robotics team! They WON the FIRST Robotics Long Island Regional #2 this past weekend with a score of 162 in …
On December 13, 2022, Stuy was honored to host Manhattan Borough President, Mark Levine for a visit to the newly dedicated Lin Brothers Robotics Lab …
On Thursday, December 8, 2022, Stuyvesant High School's Alumni Association hosted the ribbon cutting ceremony of the new Lin Brothers Robotics Lab! Our new state …
StuyPulse Robotic sill host their annual Stuy Splash lecture series event on Saturday, December 10, 2022 at Stuyvesant! The event is open to all FIRST …
Calling all future engineers!! StuyPulse is excited to announce a cool speaker event! On Tuesday, May 24th at 3:45 p.m. after 10th period in lecture …
Super proud of@StuyPulse 694 - working so hard over the past few months and making it all the way to the QUARTERFINALS in the …
Stuyvesant Robotics team StuyPulse 694 competed at the SBPLI Long Island Regional #2 event from March 24 to 26 at Hofstra University. They, along with …
This past Saturday on December 4, Stuy Robotics held their annual event, Stuy Splash in person at Stuyvesant! Congrats to them on a successful event! …
Do you have an interest in engineering, software engineering or business? Are you searching for that one club that can change your life?
If the …
During May, the Robotics team, Stuy Pulse FRC 694, won 2 major awards in the New York and Quebec Region for this year’s FIRST Robotics …
The DOE is delighted to announce the 3rd Annual New York City Public School Film Festival presented by NYC DOE and the Mayor’s Office of …
At the start of March, Stuyvesant Robotics StuyPulse 694 competed at the Palmetto Regional in South Carolina, where they went undefeated, won the Innovation …
Robotics Stuypulse 694 has completed their robot for the 2020 Infinite Recharge season. Meet EDWIN. They were at the Palmetto Regional from February 25 …
Stuyvesant Robotics StuyPulse 694 has been working in build season! Here’s a peak at what they’ve been up to! Keep up with them on Instagram …
Check out the amazing games the Woodworking classes have been making that will be set up behind the senior bar at the beginning of the …
Stuypulse Robotics Team 694 has been in build phase! Over the past week, they’ve discussed potential mechanisms and started working on proof of concepts for …
Advanced Robotics class isn’t just about competitions and building bots. Here’s the latest from Mr. Joe Blay’s class courtesy of Eric Jung and @stuymakes. …
StuyPulse Robotics 694 competed in the 2019 Brunswick Eruption at North Brunswick Township High School on Saturday, November 9th and ended the competition as …
StuyPulse 694 Stuyvesant Robotics will be hosting a Bake Sale by the senior Bar on October 28th!