We are thrilled to welcome students back to the school building on Monday, March 22. The building has been closed since November, so it will take time to become accustomed to returning. We will have additional staff and School Safety presence in and around the building including near the bridge to ensure students feel safe upon their arrival and dismissal. Additionally, you will only come to the building next week on Monday (3/22), Tuesday (3/23), and Thursday (3/25).
Please make sure to carefully read the following important reminders and To Do’s in preparation for school.
Night Before - Be sure to complete the following tasks the night before school
- Charge your device so it has full power
- Be sure to pack your device (laptop, iPad, or Chromebook, etc.), charger, and earphones or headset
- Register your device to access the school WiFi -- follow the steps in your Talos account using the “Argus” feature. You must enter the MAC address by using these instructions
- Please review the Spring Term Calendar on the school website for the updated schedule
Upon Arrival - School doors will open at 8:30 AM
- Complete the Health Screening Assessment -- the screening will need to be shown before entering the building
- Wear your mask at all times (NOTE: Masks will be available at the entrance)
- Use the hand sanitizer dispensers located throughout the building
- Check your Talos student dashboard for your Seat Assignment. Your seat assignment location will determine which entrance you will use (see below). NOTE: Your seat assignment will be near other students in your grade with similar open periods and/or physical education.
- Use the following entrances based on where you seat assignment is located:
- Theater Pod - students will enter/exit through the North Doors (along the Hudson; facing Pier 26)
- 6th Floor Gym Pod - students will enter/exit through the North Doors (along the Hudson; facing Pier 26)
- Cafeteria Pod - students will enter/exit through the 2nd Floor Bridge Doors at West & Chambers
- 3rd Floor Gym Pod - students will enter/exit through the 2nd Floor Bridge Doors at West & Chambers
*Staff will direct students to the pod locations.
- Scan your student ID upon entering the building (NOTE: Freshmen will show either a printed copy of their schedule from Talos or show their Talos page on their phones. Freshmen will have their photographs taken for their ID when at school)
- Take a Grab-N-Go breakfast before heading to your pod location (NOTE: Bagged lunches will be delivered to students in their pods between 11:30 - 12:00pm. Students may also bring their own lunch)
During School
- Metrocards will be distributed to students who are in the building (NOTE: Students who have chosen “blended” receive Metrocards. If students opt into “remote” then the Metrocard will be turned off. Students who lose their Metrocard and need a replacement may request one, following directions outlined here)
- LIRR student discounts may find forms on the www.stuy.edu (only applicable for students who use the LIRR)
- Bell Schedule is followed by all students in the building and remote
- Permission Slip to leave the building is required when a student inadvertently comes to school on the wrong day (NOTE: Without this form, a parent or guardian will need to come to Stuyvesant to pick up the student)
- Random COVID-19 testing of students and staff will occur monthly (NOTE: 20% of in-person students and staff at each school will be tested on a weekly basis. This is mandatory.
- Consent to COVID testing is attached and may be returned to adicarlo@stuy.edu
- Parents/Guardians of blended learners may consent in their NYC Schools account. Email Ms. Ingram at ringram3@schools.nyc.gov if you need assistance.
- Students and staff who have recently traveled outside of New York to a place on the State’s travel advisory list must quarantine for 10 days or test out of the 10-day quarantine based on the State’s guidance, which can be found here. As a reminder, DOE staff and students are prioritized for testing at H+H sites across the city; please click here for a list of sites.
After School
- Students will need to leave the building no later than 3:30 pm each day
- Teacher Office Hours are from 2:30 - 2:50 pm each day
- Students will exit the building following the same path they used to enter the building
- Use the hand sanitizer dispensers located throughout the building
We are excited to see all of you and want to make sure you have a safe and productive school year.