Take the 2020 Census! Deadline is 9-30-2020!!

Take the 2020 Census! Deadline is 9-30-2020!!

As we grapple with COVID-19, completing the 2020 Census is even more important now than ever. The number of New Yorkers who are counted will determine how much funding we receive for our schools and public services over the next 10 years. City schools receive more than $781 million every year in Title I funding, based on census data. In addition, the census helps determine funding for early learn centers, in-school and afterschool youth programs, childcare programs, and other services that support our school communities. You can play an active role in ensuring an accurate count by urging staff and families to complete the census online at my2020census.gov, or by calling 844-330-2020, and completing the brief survey, which is open until October 31.