LINK FOR YOUTUBE LIVESTREAM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=As_UR7d3ITg
LINK FOR LIVE WEBINAR (INTERACT WITH MAX): https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83356392041?pwd=cXBRSlBZY3psV01ablhnRTgrenlhUT09
CHINESE TRANSLATION CALL IN LINE: 中文翻译,请拨打:+19292056099,,95623287906#,,,,*259757#
会议ID: 956 2328 7906Passcode: N2Fmye
Our 5th year of Wellness Nights at Stuy will be a virtual event on February 25, 2021 on
At the February Parent's Association Meeting, our collaboration continues to present Wellness Night. After general PA business at 7pm, the presentation begins with Max Stossel from the Center for Humane Technology as he illustrates some of the specific ways technology is
designed to be addictive & distracting, highlights how that's impacting our minds, and gives recommendations on how to address some of the challenges our families face. The presentation concludes with open space to discuss solutions in the household, Max Stossel is an Award-Winning artist named by Forbes as one of the best storytellers of the year, and the Youth & Education Advisor for the Center for Humane Technology, an organization of former tech insiders dedicated to realigning technology with humanity’s best interests (as featured in The Social Dilemma). Before working with CHT, Max was a media strategist with an extensive background in social media, running social media or multinational brands, and later working for a social media company where he designed some of the notification structures to distract people that he now criticizes.
He has spent the past four years speaking with 100,000+ students, parents, and educators around the world about social media's impact on our lives, and creating resources to help manage that impact. Max provides a unique and much-needed perspective on the role of technology in our homes, schools, and in our society.
Simultaneous translation will be provided in Mandarin on this line: +19292056099,,98418308584#,,,,*392424# (they should watch on the live stream and listen to translation on this call-in line)
*original post 1/3/2021