Stuy celebrates Japandemonium '22!

Stuy celebrates Japandemonium '22!

Ms. Chie Helinski shares that Japandemonium was back on May 28 after two years of hiatus. About 80 students and 20 alumni attended. 

The participants, many wearing the Japandemonium T-shirt (designed by a sophomore, Mishel Gica) were randomly grouped into 10 food-themed teams. They bonded under the leadership of the AP students and competed against other teams. Japandemonium mimics a Sports Day held in Japanese schools. It was packed with activities, such as red bean bread race, tug of war, sweep the floor race, and tossing Japardy! (Japanese Jeopardy!). 

We had red bean filled bread, Japanese bento lunch, and snacks to fuel ourselves. 

Throughout the day, there were big smiles on all the participants' faces! (photos courtesy of Ms. Helinski)