Students may cancel AP Physics 1 exam for a full refund by Friday, January 17th - Fill out the form!

Students may cancel AP Physics 1 exam for a full refund by Friday, January 17th - Fill out the form!

Assistant Principal & Testing Coordinator, Dr. Gary Haber has collaborated with the College Board extensively and on Friday, January 17th, juniors as well as seniors taking the former AP 1 Physics with Regents course were emailed instructions on their options regarding the upcoming AP Physics Exam. This email was copied to parents of juniors and parents of seniors the information was applicable to. The information conveyed is as follows:

AP PHYSICS 1 WITH REGENTS has been recoded as ADVANCED PHYSICS WITH AP1 TOPICS. This change in no way affects eligibility to sit for the AP Physics 1 exam. Any student who wishes to cancel their AP Physics 1 examination will receive a full refund by completing this form by Friday, January 17, 2020. Please note, refunds will be issued following the AP examination administration. Students with questions and/or concerns may visit Dr. Haber in person in room 207. Parents & guardians with questions and/or concerns may email Ms. Ingram at or call directly at 212-312-4800 ext. 2731.

The January Regents and Uniform Finals Schedule has been UPDATED with one exam added in pre-calculus. It is posted on the school website HERE. Questions about what happens during that week are answered in the “Question of the Week” in Update #17. Also, see the Question of the week in this Update to better understand what the difference is between an “In-class” or “Uniform Department” Final Exam is. Students will receive notices of Uniform Department Finals and Regents Exams in homeroom on January 14th and via email to their email accounts.