Report Card Distribution - October 31, 2022 (electronic)

Report Card Distribution - October 31, 2022 (electronic)

Report Card Distribution will take place electronically through email to student's email accounts on Monday, October 31, 2022. Parents/Guardians with email addresses registered on Talos will receive report cards electronically. Please contact Ms. Ingram to be added to the system if you fail to receive the Weekly Update (likely we have no email address for you if that's the case). Report cards are emailed with comments translated in parents' preferred written language. They are also uploaded to Talos accounts after noon on October 31, 2022 and viewable by clicking "grades" then MP1 on the right.

Report cards for the first marking period are letter grades that correspond to numerical ranges. Only the 3rd marking period grades appear on a student transcript. Grades are cumulative from one marking period to the next. There is no “CR” option until the final grade for the semester.

The grading range key will also accompany your report card and can be referenced below:

First Marking Period Grades

E Excellent (90 - 100)

S Satisfactory (75 - 89)

N Needs improvement (65 - 74)

U Unsatisfactory work (below 65)

NS Never reported

NL New admission. Student has not completed enough work to establish a grade.