Regeneron Research Reviewers Needed

Regeneron Research Reviewers Needed

Biology Teacher, Mr. Jason Econome shares that this year we had a very successful year, providing students with over 50 laboratory research internships! Students are receiving meaningful feedback on their research papers. However, a second pair of eyes from any current parents/guardians or Alumni with a background in certain research fields is helpful and appreciated!.

This year, students are working on projects involving molecular biology, bioinformatics, ecology, psychology, computer science, artificial intelligence, physics, mathematics. If you have the time and the appropriate background please contact with your specific background and you'll be matched with a student's paper along. The papers need to be reviewed within the next 2 weeks (Nov 06 deadline). Not all of the papers are complete yet but whatever feedback you can offer will still be very helpful.

We appreciate the generosity of your time and continued support with this annual endeavor.