Congrats to Stuy on National History Day Results from Nationals 2024!

Congrats to Stuy on National History Day Results from Nationals 2024!

Mr. Mordecai Moore shares a triumphant return from the National History Day Contest this year! The students had a wonderful time. Congratulations to Stuy students, Jared Lee and Owen Dong who won 2nd Place for Senior Group Documentary. Protecting the Planet: How the Montreal Protocol Marked a Turning Point in International Cooperation and Environmental History. Here is a link to the documentary:

Best Senior Project from New York - Savidya Kulawansa, Adeline Sauberli, and Andrea Wang for The Woman Rebel: The Turning Point in the Birth Control Conversation

There was also one performance that made the finalist round - Senior Group Performance by Yoonha Shim, Ryan Chen, and Gavin Frank for Sesame Street: The Unprecedented Champion in Childhood Development. 
Congrats to our students!