Ms. Maggio shares freshman Biology classes visit Hudson River Park Estuary on February 26, 2019

Ms. Maggio shares freshman Biology classes visit Hudson River Park Estuary on February 26, 2019

Ms. Marissa Maggio shares that on February 26th, one of the freshman AP Bio classes went to Pier 40 to work with the Hudson River Park Estuary Lab on a new Hudson River Study, which aims to determine the presence and migratory patterns of fish by sampling the genetic material found in the Hudson River estuary through extraction of environmental DNA (eDNA). The students observed a fish dissection, assisted in water testing activities, and filtered water samples to collect the eDNA. The results of this project will be shared on an accessible and interactive website to allow the public and researchers to easily explore biodiversity over time along the Park’s Estuarine Sanctuary.  We hope to partner with the research team as a collection site starting in the fall. (photos courtesy of Ms. Maggio)