Ms. Banfield's Freshman Health Class takes a Tour of the Building!

Ms. Banfield's Freshman Health Class takes a Tour of the Building!

Ms. Shangaza Banfield shares that last Friday’s lesson on her Freshman Health classes are what she fondly calls “who are the people in your neighborhood?” This lesson explores how the Stuyvesant High School support services community nurtures the mind, body and soul of its students! This tour would not have been successful without the input of Nurse Danielle who informed the students of how her services maintain the physical body. Mr. Angel Colon accentuated how the SPARK pubs/clubs and lounge area aid in supporting the mind! Ms. Undine Guthrie provided classes with a sample of her after school mindfulness programming, where she and a Buddhist monk assist students in fortifying their spirits through breathing and meditation! A great time was had by all! Ms. Banfield arranged with Ms. Khadijah to have a lesson from the lunchroom staff on this past Monday. They discussed nutrition and got a tour behind the scenes! (photos courtesy of Ms. Banfield)