March PA General Meeting - Advantage Testing, Arun Alagappan speaks on Subject Tests and more! March 17, 2020

March PA General Meeting - Advantage Testing, Arun Alagappan speaks on Subject Tests and more! March 17, 2020

Tests, tests and more tests—the inescapable alphabet soup of them--PSAT, SAT, ACT, SUBJECT TESTS—every student and every parent is has tests on their mind: Which ones to take? How to do well and how well do I have to do? What importance do schools attach to them these days compared to other parts of a college application? Should I take subject tests and what scores should I submit?  And, perhaps the most practical question: What's the value of paying for expensive test prep versus self preparation?

     Come to the Parent's Association General Monthly Meeting on Tuesday, March 17, 2020 at 7pm to hear Arun Alagappan, one of the country's leading experts on this topic, address these questions. Mr. Alagappan, a graduate of Princeton and the Harvard Law School, is the founder and president of Advantage Testing, which was praised by then mayor Mike Bloomberg for its “commitment to excellence and social responsibility.” He has tutored literally thousands of students over the years, including many from low-income and under-represented backgrounds. If you, like most parents, have questions about your student facing the test challenge, the March meeting will be your chance to have them answered.

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