Make Up Schedule for Physics and Chemistry Labs!

Make Up Schedule for Physics and Chemistry Labs!

Assistant Principal, Mr. Scott Thomas shares the following is the schedule for the makeup labs: Keep in mind that a student MUST make up labs in order to take the regents in June! All makeup labs take place from 3:40 pm to 5:00 pm


Chemistry                                                                                 Physics


Tuesday, June 9th (Rooms 913 and 927)                                    Tuesday, June 9th (Rooms 803 and 811)

Wednesday, June 10th (Rooms 913 and 927)                             Wednesday, June 10th (Rooms 803 and 811)

Thursday, June 11th (Rooms 913 and 927)                                 Thursday, June 11th (Rooms 803 and 811)

June 10, 2020: Rooms 913 and 927

June 11, 2020: Rooms 913 and 927