Free Webinars from the Child Study Center - How to Connect with your Child

Free Webinars from the Child Study Center - How to Connect with your Child

SPARK Counselor, Angel Colon shares helpful information for families! Many parents find it overwhelming to balance setting limits with their child and building a meaningful relationship. Now more than ever, social media, responsibilities at school and work, and day-to-day stress distract parents from being aware of and open to opportunities to build connections with their children. This webinar is designed to help you develop the skills that can help you identify barriers to improving your connection with your child and recognize opportunities for more open communication in the present moment. Social worker, Jeremy Wernick provides practical strategies for applying relational mindfulness to improve your communication with and understanding of your child. The webinar is on Tuesday, December 11th at 1pm. Register online at THIS LINK.

MORE webinars are available in January! See THIS SITE for a list of upcoming webinars on topics such as: 

Reporting to Class: Building Strong Parent Teacher Relationships

Fake Instagrams for Real Conversations: the Social Media Life of Teenagers

The Shy and Socially Anxious Teen

Ten Ways to Improve Social and Communication Skills in Children

Celebrating Diversity in LGBTQ Youth