The Program Office sent the following email to students, which Ms. Ingram copied to families on May 21, 2021.
Please review the following instructions and key information to request and/or apply for elective/selective for the Fall 2021 semester. This process is intended for you to make requested elective selections using the preference form, which then allows our Program Office to determine preliminary schedules for the entire school. Please note, this is a preference form only. No request is binding and no student is guaranteed a seat in a course. We will do our best to honor all requests. Additionally, an approval to apply for a course does not signify you have a seat in the course/class. Approval to apply for a course signifies you can request a seat—NOTE: Final seat assignments are pending based on space, course availability, and Administration oversight.
This document contains instructions (with screenshots) and an FAQ which we will be updating regularly. Please review the important reminders below:
Course selection is NOT First Come First Serve basis--you do NOT get preference if you are the first one to finish your selections so take your time determining which courses you would prefer to request
Fall 2021 elective course requests will open on Friday, May 21, 2021 4:00pm and will close on JUNE 8, 2021 AT 11:59PM
Go to to make your requests
DIRECTIONS:You should see three tabs: Dashboard; Grades; and Graduation Requirements.
Dashboard is an overview and contains your current choices, your schedule, and your course applications (see below).
Grades tab has your transcript data and is used to determine your eligibility to select certain courses.
Graduation Requirements tab contains a table — red represents “not fulfilled”, yellow represents “in progress”, and green indicates “fulfilled”. The “Course Selection Form” button will provide a form for you to select the AP courses you are eligible to apply for and request.
Please consult the course eligibility rule, found by searching the course on the course list (located in the menu on the left), if you do not see a course you may be eligible to take.
If you do not qualify to request a course, but wish to apply, please find the section labeled “Course Applications” on the Graduation Requirements page and click create. This will prompt you to select a course, as well as enter the reason you would like to be considered for the course. The Department Chair and counselors will review your application and consult with teachers. If approved to apply, this will grant you the ability to request the course. Please note this is only permission to apply for the course.
Please note, this is a preference form only. No request is binding and no student is guaranteed a seat in a course. We will do our best to honor all requests. Additionally, an approval to apply for a course does not signify you have a seat in the course/class. Approval to apply for a course signifies you can request a seat—NOTE: Final seat assignments are pending based on space, course availability, and Administration oversight. Seniors are prioritized for courses to meet graduation requirements.
Please note: The 5-tech and drafting requirements for the class of 2022 and 2023 will remain as a combination. Students will only be required to take one or the other to fulfill the requirements of both for their Stuyvesant-endorsed diploma.
A full list of courses we plan to offer in the Fall can be found at the link below:
Students with questions should contact their school counselor through Talos. Parents may also reach out to Ms. Ingram at