Eco-Facts of the Week - Celebrate 2020-2021!🎉

Eco-Facts of the Week - Celebrate 2020-2021!🎉

The Eco-Fact of the Week has been provided by Stuy's Environmental Club for the past three school years; did you know that? They diligently provide a fact and photo every single week for the Weekly Update, and Blog and when we are in the school building - to be read at the morning announcements each Monday. I owe them a debt of thanks for their patience on weeks that I am busy or behind or that I forget to go to their shared document. As the last week of the school year is upon us with the final Eco-Fact of the week, I provide a view of their collective and amazing work at this link:

Thank you Environmental Club for your tireless work! You rock!

and now...

for the Eco-Fact of the Week for June 21-25, 2021:

As the summer nears, you might be tempted to start the summer with a new wardrobe and throw out your old clothes. With popular clothing items from Shein being worn by many teenagers in your neighborhood, you would assume that it is finally time to start fresh. However, fast fashion does not only impact our landfills. Fast fashion is created not only with some fabric. In addition to cloth, fast fashion uses plastic, water, and toxic chemicals. Therefore, the factories that produce these clothes often destroy their local environment. In fact, an average consumer throws away 70 pounds of clothing each year. Globally, we contribute to thirteen million tons of textile waste each year. With these clothes on average only being used seven times before throwing out, it is time to change. Therefore, when you decide to update your wardrobe, consider extending your usage or buying sustainable clothing.

Help to preserve our resources and properly sort your trash!