Congrats to 2022-23 Caucus Presidents!

Congrats to 2022-23 Caucus Presidents!

The Student Union has concluded their elections for the 2022-2023 Caucuses.

After over a year of remote learning, the BOE was so excited to see an unprecedented number of tickets run in the 2022 Caucus Elections. To each of the 28 tickets that ran, [The student union] are so proud of your hard work and dedication during this election season. To everyone who voted, thank you for making your voice heard and we hope that you were able to find tickets that represented your wants and needs. 

If you would like to view the winning margins for each election, please visit

Without further ado, congratulations to your 2022 Caucus Presidents:

Sophomore Caucus - Andy Xian and Fin Ying 

Junior Caucus - Margaret Mikhalevsky and Yashna Patel 

Senior Caucus - Andrey Sokolov and Erica Li