Yearbook Deadlines for Seniors, Portrait Retakes & Spirit Days

Yearbook Deadlines for Seniors, Portrait Retakes & Spirit Days

The Indicator Yearbook staff wants to emphasize the importance of deadlines this year in order to deliver the yearbooks before the last day of school. Creating the yearbook is a year-long process and they are eager for it to be in seniors' hands sooner rather than later.

Some reminders and updates:

  1. SENIOR QUOTES - The senior quotes deadline has been extended to NOVEMBER 11th at 11:59 PM. Double-check to confirm you entered everything correctly before hitting the submit button. 
  2. YEARBOOK PORTRAIT RETAKES - Not satisfied with your first portraits? The photographers will be back at Stuyvesant from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM on NOVEMBER 21. There will be a $10 fee. Stop by the first-floor atrium during a free period to have your photos retaken! Refer to the email sent to your Stuy account by PortraitsUSA for further information! 
  3. SPIRIT DAYS - We will be having several senior spirit days this month so read the chart! On spirit days, head to the senior atrium after 10th period for the chance to be featured in the yearbook!
  4. BABY PHOTOS - The end of high school marks the start of a new chapter of our lives, but let’s take a moment to remember our roots! The Indicator is excited to announce that it's finally time to submit baby photos👶. The form will close on NOVEMBER 30 at 11:59 p.m. so make sure you submit it before then!

If you ever have questions/concerns, please email us at