This Week: Your Donations Matched Dollar for Dollar for the PA!

This Week: Your Donations Matched Dollar for Dollar for the PA!

This week, the PA is launching their annual Giving Thanks campaign. It is a time for us to appreciate all that the school, the staff and faculty, and Stuy families do for our children, and an opportunity for the community to come together to lend our support.

During Giving Thanks week, please look out for: 

  • Daily notes on he PA's social media channels featuring a quote expressing gratitude, an anecdote of how the community’s generosity is lifting up our students;
  • Text messages (from 243725) for our special Text 2 Give campaign.


The Annual Appeal provides roughly two-thirds of the PA’s funds in support of the school. This week is the big push to hit targets before the end of the year! If you haven’t already donated, please consider doing so this week or if you have already donated, please consider giving a little more.

You can donate at, text GIVE2STUY to 243725, or Zelle (please include your name, email and student’s name.)

What’s even more incredible, your donation this week will be matched by a wonderful, generous family, up to a total of $15,000. The first $15,000 raised will equal $30,000 for the Stuyvesant High School Parents’ Association. Let’s not miss out on this fantastic gift for Giving Thanks Week.

Donate to Match Funds