Trip Chaperones Needed 3/3 and 3/24/2023!

Trip Chaperones Needed 3/3 and 3/24/2023!

Ms. Jane Karp has organized a trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art for her Art History class on March 3, 2023 Parent chaperones are needed for the trip. All would leave Stuyvesant High School at about 9:40 am and stay until about 3pm at the Museum. You'll enjoy the Mayan art and the Islamic art wing. Students are released from the museum and do not return to Stuy. If you are a current parent/guardian of a Stuyvesant student and willing to assist, please reach out to Ms. Natalie Tang, Parent Coordinator at

Ms. Karp also has a field trip planned for March 24 to the Rubin Museum. If you are available to accompany as a chaperone, please also reach out to Ms. Tang to coordinate.