Take the CommUNITY Pledge! Stand up against Hate Crimes 9/20-24/2021

Take the CommUNITY Pledge! Stand up against Hate Crimes 9/20-24/2021

As schools resume in person, the Office for the Prevention of Hate Crimes, in partnership with the DOE, City Commission on Human Rights and DYCD,  is launching a campaign to promote respect, kindness and civility with a Back2School CommUNITY Pledge, a movement for NYC’s students, teachers, friends and families to send a clear message: hate has no home in NYC and our kids are going to lead a future of love, friendship and respect.

For the Back 2 School CommUnity Pledge Week, September 20-24, and the remaining part of the year, we ask you to join us in taking the Pledge to Celebrate Community. 

I pledge to:

  • Stand up against hate and bullying
  • Speak out when I hear mean or hurtful “jokes”
  • Learn about and get to know diverse people
  • Respect and be kind to others
  • Do my part to support and celebrate our CommUNITY 

For more information, including activities, professional development opportunities, and resources visit Back 2 School CommUNITY Pledge Week.

Take the pledge and spread the word!