SU Merchandise Design Contest; Enter by 10/2/2022

SU Merchandise Design Contest; Enter by 10/2/2022

The Student Union is excited to announce that the Student Union will begin selling new Stuyvesant merchandise this fall!

Please let us know what merchandise items you would like to see using the 22-23 Merchandise Item Request Form. Here, you can select your top five favorite items-- options include beanies, quarter zips, hoodies, and more. Please use the "other" option to share ideas for items not already listed on the form. We will purchase the most popular items selected!

If you are interested in designing this year’s merchandise (or would like the chance to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card), you can submit a design using the 22-23 Stuy Merch Design Contest form. Guidelines for the design are detailed on the form.

The Design Contest and Item Request forms will close at 11:59PM on October 2nd. Shortly after, we will release a voting form to select a winning design.

Reach out to with any questions!