SU Applications for SING! Coordinators are now available!

SU Applications for SING! Coordinators are now available!

For those that are not familiar with SING! It is Stuy’s annual theater competition where the 3 groups: Soph-Frosh (Sophomores & Freshmen), Juniors, and Seniors, compete against each other to make the best theatrical performance possible.

Each group has a coordinator who is responsible for bringing it all together and leading their respective groups to victory. Coordinators are responsible for acting as the representative for their respective SING! for the SU, administration, and others. They also act as adjudicators within their respective SING!

Stuy students interested in applying for SING! Coordinator, feel free to fill out the application here. All applications will be due by Saturday, December 3rd @ 11:59PM. 

Coordinator Application: