Stuyvesant Hosts Wellness Night on February 25, 2020 at PA General Meeting on Screen Time, Digital Media and Getting SLEEP!

Stuyvesant Hosts Wellness Night on February 25, 2020 at PA General Meeting on Screen Time, Digital Media and Getting SLEEP!

This week Stuyvesant hosted its Annual Wellness Night in collaboration with the Parent’s Association’s Health and Safety Committee, the Wellness Council and Director of Family Engagement, Ms. Dina Ingram. The Wellness Council tabled at the event and provided useful information. You can read their information at this link as well as the slide show presented by members of the Wellness Council. The special guest speaker and highlight of the event was Screen Time and Digital Media and Sleep by Dr. Argelinda Baroni, professor of NYU Langone Adolescent Psychiatry who answered questions and shared tips for getting your child less time in with digital media and more time interacting socially and getting more rest. You may view her PowerPoint presentation HERE.