UPDATED: Stuyvesant hosts PSAT/NMSQT on 10/13 - Special Schedule

UPDATED: Stuyvesant hosts PSAT/NMSQT on 10/13 - Special Schedule

Stuyvesant will offer the PSAT/NMSQT on 10/13/2021 Grades 10 & 11 are registered and received room assignments. Classes for all grades begin at 12:54 with period 1. See schedule. Attendance will be taken; regular school day. No Testing Day for all classes.

Taking the exam is optional, not a requirement, and no students need to register.  Stuyvesant has registered every 10th and 11th grader on our roster. October 13, 2021 will be a regular school day where attendance will be taken, and classes will be attended by all grades after the exam is administered. Lunch periods are also truncated, and lunch will be grab-and-go from the cafeteria. Students in grades 9 and 12 and those not taking the exam are encouraged to have lunch before arriving to school. Doors open for period 1 arrival at 12:45pm. If you don't have a period 1, arrive in time for your first class!

Students with extended time accommodations for testing will be excused from any classes they miss while taking the exam.

PSAT day is a NO TESTING DAY for ALL grades. 

Instructions for test-takers:

Doors at Stuy will open at 7:30am for grades 10 & 11. All 10th and 11th grade test-takers must be seated in their assigned testing room no later than 8:15am. Students may not enter the exam room once the test has begun. Students may bring a snack that they can eat on break(s).

Night Before

  • Get a good night’s rest.
  • Make sure you pack a calculator if needed (See Approved Calculators), and ensure that batteries are fresh. The school will not supply calculators nor batteries.
  • Pack two No. 2 pencils with eraser, valid school ID.
  • Bring a snack if you cannot wait for your lunch period; classes will take place after the test; come prepared for abbreviated classes and a short lunch period.

Day of Exam

  • Get to school by 7:30am to be in your assigned testing room by 8:15. 
  • Cell phones and smart watches must be powered down and best placed in your bookbag at the front of the room. The College Board rules are that any student found in possession of a phone or smart watch during the test will have their exam invalidated. Any phone left powered on that rings during the test will have their exam invalidated. Any phone left powered on that rings or buzzes (even in an envelope on a teacher’s desk) can cause an exam to be invalidated)
  • Personal possessions must be placed at the front of the room; not under, in front of or behind a desk.
  • Nothing can be on your desk except: Two No. 2 pencils with eraser, valid school ID, and a calculator (see Approved Calculators). 

The school day will begin at 12:54 with a 1-10 period abbreviated schedule. 

Afternoon Classes:         12:54 pm – 2:50pm

Special Schedule

Period 1 12:54 - 1:02

Period 2 1:06 - 1:14

Period 3 1:18 - 1:26

Period 4 1:30 - 1:38

Period 5 1:42 - 1:50

Period 6 1:54 - 2:02

Period 7 2:06 - 2:14

Period 8 2:18 - 2:26

Period 9 2:30 - 2:38

Period 10 2:42 - 2:50

Good luck to those taking the exam. 

*Original post 10/1/2021