Stuy’s Math Modelers Chosen to Represent US in the International Mathematical Contest in Modeling!

Stuy’s Math Modelers Chosen to Represent US in the International Mathematical Contest in Modeling!

Congratulations to the mathematical modeling team of Ryan Park, Ethan Sharma, Ethan Sie, and Jackie Zeng, who will be representing the United States in the International Mathematical Modeling Contest (IMMC)! The team analyzed pet ownership with the goal of predicting and reducing pet abandonment rates, using a mathematical model of their own design built on techniques like linear programming and differential equations. Their solution was named one of the top two in the country, and now their work moves on to the final round of international judging! This is a first for Stuyvesant, and another outstanding result for Stuy’s mathematical modelers this year. Anyone interested in getting involved in mathematical modeling can contact Mr. Honner for more information.