Stuy's Blue Planet Ambassadors have a Busy Summer 2022!

Stuy's Blue Planet Ambassadors have a Busy Summer 2022!

This summer, Blue Planet Alliance (BPA) Ambassadors have had various events going on. First, on July 15, ambassadors Qiuhan Lin, Jeffrey Mui, and Alyssa Kang attended the North American Youth Adaptation Forum located in the United Nations Plaza. Here, they were able to represent youth voices in climate change, and Alyssa was the speaker representing BPA in a youth panel. Later, in celebration of International Youth Day in August, BPA Ambassadors came together to film short videos on the role of youth in climate change, and what they are doing to combat climate change within their own communities.

In September, various BPA ambassadors will be attending youth events virtually during Climate Week, and two ambassadors will be attending an Sustainable Development Goals panel at the UN on behalf of BPA. In addition, from September 23-26 rising sophomores Alyssa Kang, Stacie Au, and Muna Faraq will be attending Local Conference of Youth USA in Pennsylvania. Here, they will be working with with national delegates to create a National Youth Statement that will be presented at UN Climate Conference (COP 27) in November.

In addition, here is the link to the google drive of photos .