Stuy Oratorio Choir will perform at Lincoln Center 5/26 - purchase tix!

Stuy Oratorio Choir will perform at Lincoln Center 5/26 - purchase tix!

On Sunday, May 28 (Memorial Day Weekend) at 2:00PM, we innte you to come and hear THE MOZART REQUIEM at Lincoln Center. In this concert, 38 members of our Stuyvesant High School Oratorio Choir will be performing once again with Distinguished Concerts International New York.

In this concert, our Stuy Oratorio Choir (most members) is performing the Mozart's Requiem with DCINY's combined choirs, professional orchestra and esteemed soloists at David Geffen Hall, Lincoln Center on Sunday, May 26 (Memorial Day Weekend) at 2 pm.  

Anyone who purchases a ticket is asked to use the special code "DCINYFUND" - that ensures we receive partial funds back to Stuy choruses.  

To purchase tickets GO TO: LINCOLNCENTER.ORG and search for MAY 26 CONCERT "MOZARrs REQUIEM"

For questions, contact the Choral Director, Ms. Ullya Shamazov: or stop by room 132 or 125.