Stuy Model UN attends 2024 Global Citizens Conference

Stuy Model UN attends 2024 Global Citizens Conference

From February 22nd to February 24th, 24 delegates from Stuy Model United Nations attended the 2024 Global Citizens Model United Nations conference in Manhattan with thousands of students from around the world, partly held at the UN building itself. Our team did a fantastic job, with freshmen Henry Le, Liam Wang, Mira Anant, Neil Suri, Sakib Fahim, Stanley Heller, Yana Bijoor, and Ziv Barel, sophomores Hannah Grimskog-Tran, Theresa Lau, and Zihe Huang, juniors Aeneas Merchant, Jai Shah, Mullika Saha, Nirvan Mulchandani, and Walker Simpson, and senior Violeta Zani winning awards. StuyMUN also took home an award for best medium delegation. Congrats to all!