Stuy 101 - Family Engagement Workshop for Freshman Parents PowerPoint & Summary

Stuy 101 - Family Engagement Workshop for Freshman Parents PowerPoint & Summary

Last week, we hosted Stuyvesant 101’ for Freshman Parents, a Family Engagement Workshop with over 300 parents in attendance! We thank those able to come to the workshop and hope you found it helpful and informative. The PowerPoint slides and copies of all handouts were emailed to Freshman parents this weekend and can be accessed on Talos and the Naviance Document library. Parents had a chance to bond in the lobby with refreshments provided by the Parent’s Association.  Principal Contreras went over school policies, our communication procedures, expectations at Stuy,  and practical advice; I discussed the online systems we use including Talos, tips on being a Stuy parent,  and who to see for support in the building along with extracurriculars and academic supports available, such as ARISTA. A special thanks to ARISTA Executive VP of Web Development, Ivan Zhang and creator of Talos, Mr. Rodda John for presenting. We were joined by School Counselor, Ms. Audra Parris who presented graduation requirements and what students cover in Freshman Seminars along with how the Counseling department supports the emotional, social and academic growth of students for all four years. Internships & Opportunities Coordinator, Mr. Harvey Blumm discussed how to prep for the first summer in High school. A full summary is available HERE. (some photos courtesy of Andrew Cribb)