Students present at Faculty PD on Being Black at Stuy

Students present at Faculty PD on Being Black at Stuy

On Wednesday, February 8, 2023, Stuy's full faculty had the opportunity to hear from three of our students (Amanda Cissé, John Chandler, and Nya Masoni), who shared their perspective of being a Black student at Stuyvesant. Associate Director of College Counseling, Dr. Jeaurel Wilson framed the presentation with an important guiding question for our consideration, “How can our school community meet the needs of and increase the comfort, safety and belonging of students who have historically felt isolated and/or uncomfortable because of their racial or ethnic background?

Here are some excerpts from Principal, Dr. Seung Yu's review in his staff weekly email: Dr. Wilson She shared insights from her own doctoral research about the implications for gifted students of color. Amanda, John, and Nya followed with anecdotal experiences of Black students in specialized high schools and then suggestions for how we can work in partnership with our Black students in creating an environment that acknowledges their identity, culture, and background .

Our students presented to an auditorium of adults on the difficult topic of race with grace and composure in delivering an important message to us. Through the collaboration with Mr. Grossman, Dr. Wilson, Ms. Dwyer, and Ms. Brandan, the students produced takeaways on race to share. Additionally, Dr. Wilson spoke about the CR-SE Framework created by the NYSED and the NYCDOE’s CR-SE page. Stuyvesant's efforts in CR-SE continue to be a work-in-progress. The February Faculty Conference continues to build on our focus on “How are students seen, heard, and relevant in all the spaces they occupy?”