Student training: Budgeting for high school scholars on 6/6/24 @6pm

Student training: Budgeting for high school scholars on 6/6/24 @6pm

FACE, in collaboration with the Citywide Council on High Schools and Generation Wealth, would like to invite all High School students to join in a special virtual learning session on Budgeting for high school scholars. Generational Wealth is an education-focused organization dedicated to helping youth and adults learn and apply the foundational principles of building wealth to achieve financial independence. Jonelle L. Rocke is the founder of Generational Wealth and is a first-generation American born to Caribbean immigrants; she is a certified financial coach who has masterfully combined her almost two decades of experience in the field of adult learning, K-12 teaching, curriculum design, assessment, and social and emotional learning with her passion for helping those in marginalized communities obtain the dream of true financial independence for themselves and future generations. 

During these sessions, scholars will explore foundational personal finance concepts, such as how to establish and manage a budget.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Time:  6:00 PM

Link to join: