SLT Meeting - April 26, 2022 @6pm (Virtual) Register to join

SLT Meeting - April 26, 2022 @6pm (Virtual) Register to join

The monthly meeting of the SLT (School Leadership Team) will take place on Tuesday, April 26, 2022 at 6-8pm. The meeting is held virtually via webinar.

Please register using the link below if you plan on attending virtually or commenting.

Upon registration, you will receive your webinar link. It will be emailed to you immediately; and again then one day before the meeting; and again one hour prior to the start time of the meeting. SLT members and alternates should NOT register and receive unique panelist link.

The agenda for the meeting will be posted on the school website calendar date for April 26, 2022 shortly.

There is an opportunity to sign up for comment upon your registration. Please read Article V. D. of the SLT bylaws to understand the role of observers and commenting at SLT meetings. Agenda and SLT materials will be posted on the school website on the calendar date for the date of the meeting. You may view previous meetings’ approved minutes and recordings on the Talos SLT Info page of the Document Hub.