SENIORS: Upload Final College Destination to Naviance!

SENIORS: Upload Final College Destination to Naviance!

We're writing to remind you that the college or university in which you plan to enroll in the fall will require a final official transcript with your graduation date.  Please know that we will automatically send official final transcripts for graduates on June 29 and 30; you need not prompt or remind us to do so.  Your date of graduation will be printed in the message area on the top right corner of that document.

***You will be able to make CR requests before we send these final transcripts; carefully follow the instructions that will be shared this month via email and in Ms. Ingram’s updates in Talos, and strictly adhere to that stated deadline.***

In order for your transcript to be sent, you must make sure that you have entered your attending college in Naviance.  You have likely already done so, but if not:

-log in to your Naviance account

-go to "colleges I'm applying to"

-scroll down to "college that I'm attending"

-select your college

-click "update"

How your final official transcript will be submitted depends upon the college in question:

-C.U.N.Y. institutions will download your final official transcript directly from the NYC Dept. of Education sometime in July. Those transcripts will not be sent from Stuy.  

-We will use Naviance to electronically submit final transcripts to all Common Application and all SUNY institutions

- We will also use Naviance to electronically submit final transcripts to non-Common App institutions that accept electronic submission (MIT, Rutgers, UC colleges, etc.)

-We will use Slate or email final transcripts for the few outliers that cannot accept electronic submission via Naviance (Georgetown, etc.)

-If you have a special circumstance, please email your assigned college counselor BEFORE June 27, your last day as a Stuy student.

We hope you all are able to enjoy your final days at Stuy, and the summer that lies ahead of you.  Your futures are so bright; we know that each of you will use your talents to help make the world a better place for all of us.