SENIORS: Register for Graduation Ceremony by 6/6/23

SENIORS: Register for Graduation Ceremony by 6/6/23

From the Senior Caucus:

  1. Our graduation will be starting on Monday, June 26th at Barclays Center (620 Atlantic Ave) at 8:30AM.
  2. You will receive your ticket confirmation later; As of right now we just wanted to make sure that you are registered within our system.
  3. Please make sure to fill out all the details in the registration correctly. That includes the pronunciation question. If you think you might need to send in a sound clip of how to pronounce your name, please fill out this form
  4. There will be no senior slides this year, so ignore emails from Marching Order
  5. As we want to give our homeroom readers ample time to practice your names, we need you to finish registering by next Tuesday (06/06, 11:59). After Tuesday, you won’t be able to register.