Seniors going to Columbia or Barnard -- apply for this scholarship by 6/6

Seniors going to Columbia or Barnard -- apply for this scholarship by 6/6

If you'll attend Columbia or Barnard next fall and are seeking scholarship aid, see below!

This $1,980 award honors the memory of our friend and classmate Daniel Bergstein '80, who lost his life in the attack on the Twin Towers on September 11th, 2001. Dan was in his office in the World Trade Center, where he was the corporate secretary of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.

Because this past year has been challenging for all of us in countless ways, we are trying to make this application process as easy for you as possible. Please submit your main college application essay, your official recommendation letter, and a list of any silver linings that you have found in the pandemic.  Feel free, but not obligated, to say a few words about any or all silver linings. (600 words, maximum).

You will need to include some proof that you have been accepted to Columbia University/Barnard College and have accepted that invitation. Please do NOT include any transcript or any financial information or financial aid information, as this award is need-blind.

The award is an unrestricted grant that can be used for any purpose.

Please return the essays to: at  by June 6. Please add your personal email address to your application, so that you can be reached after graduation.

Ask a teacher or your college counselor (if you'd prefer to use your guidance counselor's rec letter) to email their rec letter to: also by June 6.

Congratulations on your Stuyvesant graduation and best wishes for your college career.