SENIORS '23 - Enter Early Results in Naviance & Honor ED Agreements

SENIORS '23 - Enter Early Results in Naviance & Honor ED Agreements

Admissions results for students who have applied EA/ED/REA have been or will soon be released.   Please remember to keep your college counselor informed regarding the decisions that you receive...whether that means sharing awesome news (admitted), bad news (denied), or, something in between (deferred). We are here to guide and support you throughout this process, but, we can only do so when you are in communication with us.  

Please enter your admissions results in Naviance once you get the chance.  You may enter these results by:

  • clicking on the “EDIT” icon next to the college in your “colleges I’m applying to” list
  • if you were accepted or denied, select the appropriate response from the drop -down menu under “Result”
  • if you were deferred, select the appropriate response from the drop -down menu under “Waitlisted/Deferred”
  • click on “Save College Application”
  • do this for each college for whom you have received an admissions decision

***Students admitted to any college via Early Decision must remember that this is a binding agreement; you must withdraw any remaining applications and submit any required deposit by the deadline specified by the institution in question. You may not submit any new applications.

Financial aid applicants who receive a financial aid offer that makes attendance impossible should contact the college (and your college counselor) right away. ***

If you applied ED somewhere and were not admitted, you are now free to pursue another college through EDII, if you wish.

Students admitted to any college via EA or REA are still free to pursue other post-secondary options should they need to do so.  These students are not required to submit a deposit prior to any deadline earlier than May 1.