Report & Stop Vandalism of School Bathrooms

Report & Stop Vandalism of School Bathrooms

Recently several student bathrooms have been vandalized. Our custodial staff works tirelessly to keep our school clean and in good working order. I hope we can all agree that this unnecessary destruction of school property, has no place at Stuyvesant High School, and only hurts the students who use these facilities on a regular basis. Going forward, if a bathroom is vandalized, it will be locked for at least 24 hours while we investigate, and students will be forced to use bathrooms on another floor. If instances of vandalism continue, additional steps may be taken, and disciplinary action will be taken against any person intentionally destroying school property. We implore all students to please respect our building, our school and each other. 

If you see any damage to our facility, or witness any of these behaviors, please immediately report it to Assistant Principal, Mr. Brian Moran's office (room 103) or at