REGISTER EARLY TO VOTE! PA General Meeting & Elections - May 14, 2024

REGISTER EARLY TO VOTE! PA General Meeting & Elections - May 14, 2024

Register to attend and VOTE in the Parent's Association 2024-2025 Elections. The May 14th Stuyvesant PA Spring Elections will determine certain officers and non-Freshman SLT reps for the 2024/25 school year. Please review the candidate list here. A compilation of their candidate statements, in English and Chinese, will be added to this list when available.

Each parent/guardian wishing to vote must register through Eventbrite - and please fill out the entire form! After your initial registration (Step 1), you must answer several more questions (step 2) in order to verify voting eligibility, most importantly the email you use for Talos. Individual registration is required to get a unique order number - required to access the ballot and vote anonymously. (This 10-digit "Order #" will be displayed on-screen upon registration, and sent in confirmation and reminder emails, as shown in this example.)

We will also hear reports from PA Committees on all the exciting and high-impact work happening, and open up the volunteer form for next year.

Simultaneous translation will be provided in Mandarin and ASL. Please see the Eventbrite confirmation and reminders for the dial-in number.

Register to attend here. Early registration assists in validating voters early so that results for the election are expedited!