Question of the Week - 12/16/19 - How can I correct attendance discrepancies?

Question of the Week - 12/16/19 - How can I correct attendance discrepancies?

How can I correct attendance discrepancies?

Report cards came out last week, and students and parents may have noticed what they feel is a discrepancy in attendance in class (period) or daily attendance.  You can have any discrepancies fixed by a student picking up a ‘Reconciliation From’ in the Attendance Office, Room 203 anytime between 7:30am and 3:30pm. Students should have the teacher of the class(es) where the discrepancy exists sign the form and then return it to Room 203 for processing.

If a student was absent, a note should always accompany their return to school. The Absence/Lateness Form can be found on the school website,, under either the “Students” tab by clicking “School Policies and Forms” or under the “Parents” tab by clicking “Forms” and selecting the appropriate link on the left.

Students have that form signed by their teachers and return it to room 203 for processing.


Attendance is a matter of legal record. There is no “eraser” for absences. They are, however, coded properly by the attendance office in the DOE system (ATS) which defines the reason for the absence. You can read the DOE absence policy on their website by clicking HERE. Schools can mark an absence as “excused” for religious reasons, illness, or some other reasons, but they are still absences and must be part of the student’s record. This means that an absence will never ‘disappear’ on the students report card, Talos, or the My Schools account. The DOE states that “excused absences may not count against a student for school awards or participation in school activities. The Public Schools Athletic League (PSAL)’s 90 percent attendance requirement does not count excused absences.” So, if students have no unexcused absences during their time at Stuyvesant, they will receive that “Perfect Attendance Award” in June of senior year.