Pick a safe place for your MetroCard!

Pick a safe place for your MetroCard!

Assistant Principal, Ms. Casey Pedrick shares that the secretaries in room 225, who handle MetroCard distribution, have reported an uptick in the number of students who have lost their MetroCards and are requesting replacements. They processed 31 requests in less than two days last week!

We understand that students have a lot in their bags and that cards get lost. We would just like to take this opportunity to ask that students pick a constant place for their MetroCard to be stored between swipes. Ms. Pedrick shares that she keeps hers in her phone case because she keeps track of her phone at all times. Perhaps a good place to keep that MetroCard is in a foldable ID case or in the front pocket of a bookbag. Whatever storage method that works, commit to keeping the MetroCard there, so the chances of it getting lost go down.