Starting on Monday, April 26th, students across all grade levels that opted in during the March 24 – April 9 opt-in window will be welcomed back to school buildings for in-person learning. Students who selected remote-only instruction will remain in remote only.
Some schools serving students in 3-K, Pre-K and grades K - 5 will implement physical distancing protocols of three (3) feet in order to accommodate newly opted-in students or to move towards providing five days a week in-person instruction based on recent guidance documents released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the New York State Department of Health.
Those schools with 3-K, Pre-K and grades K - 5 that would need to adopt the use of 3 feet physical distancing protocols between students in classrooms to accommodate their newly opted-in students and/or to accommodate students 5 days/week will complete a brief survey and submit to their Superintendent support team. Once that is complete, schools will receive additional guidance and next steps in preparation for having students return starting on April 26.
In the meantime, schools will continue to use physical distancing protocols of six (6) feet.
Note: For students in grades 6-12, there is no change to six (6) feet physical distancing protocols and schools should continue to physically distance students by six (6) feet in classrooms, in addition to common areas.