NYCSA and TeachHub Mobile Applications Now Available

NYCSA and TeachHub Mobile Applications Now Available

Get your New York City Schools Account (NYCSA) and TeachHub on your Mobile with Applications now available

NYCSA Mobile Application: Parents/guardians who have an active NYCSA account can access their child’s transcripts and attendance using the NYCSA mobile application that can be downloaded on iOS and Android devices. Need an account? Reach out to Ms. Tang at

Important for parents: Your NYCSA account is the controlling account for all your school accounts. The email address you use there will carry over to all your parent school accounts including Talos and Jupiter, etc. So if you give your account to your child -- you will not have parent accounts, nor will will receive report cards and email from us. NYCSA is NOT a student account! It's your personal parent/guardian account and we will use the email address there for all communication to you.

TeachHub Mobile Application: Students can now use the TeachHub mobile application, an easy, quick way for them to track their transcript, schedule, and attendance information, which can be downloaded on iOS and Android devices; students must sign into the application with their username and password. Forgot it? See Mr. Lin in room 209 or email him at