Notification: 2024 Lead Testing at Stuyvesant

Notification: 2024 Lead Testing at Stuyvesant

In accordance with State law, all schools must test for lead in water every three years. In 2023, the Department of Education (DOE) began a new testing cycle, which will conclude in December 2025. In the second phase of this testing cycle, a third of buildings will be tested.

Stuyvesant's school building has been selected to be a part of the 2024 cohort. The letter linked below will provide additional details surrounding the DOE’s lead testing protocols and procedures.

Once the building has been tested and the lab results received, the principal will receive a notification of the results. In any building where test results show even one water outlet above the action level, the DOE will implement its standard response protocol.

Families and staff should rest assured that New York City drinking water is safe and of the highest quality in the world. New York City’s water meets or exceeds all Federal and State standards. In addition, the DOE works with other City agencies to ensure there is safe drinking water in schools. The safety and well-being of students and staff is our highest priority.

Please visit to learn more about the robust protocol we use to ensure the safety of drinking water in each and every school.

Read the letter in English, Chinese, Korean, Bengali, Spanish or Russian