NEW Attendance feature for Students on Talos to begin Monday, April 13, 2020

NEW Attendance feature for Students on Talos to begin Monday, April 13, 2020

Starting, Monday, April 13, 2020 students will check in at the start of the school day on Talos. On the student homepage of Talos will appear the "Take Attendance" card.  Students will be able to complete the captcha and click "Take Attendance"  (see below). Students will no longer receive the Google Form from Assistant Principal, Dr. Gary Haber each morning.
Check-in will open at 7:00 am. To be marked present, students should check in at the start of their school day, but no later than 12:00 pm.
If a student checks in between 12:01 pm and 3:30 pm, they will be marked late for the day.
Students will not be able to complete the check-in after 3:30 pm and will be marked absent. A
Dr. Haber was required to upload the  data  collected on the check-in into the DOE system. Similarly, the check-in data collected in Talos will be uploaded into the DOE system. Now that data will be collected in Talos,  parents will be able to see if a student checked in on time, late, or were absent on any given day.