Ms. Sandler attends Academy of Teachers Seminar

Ms. Sandler attends Academy of Teachers Seminar

Before the holiday break in December, Mr. Robert Sandler had the honor of being selected to attend the Academy of Teachers seminar—Documentary Filmmaking & WWII: A Case Study. Ms. Sandler shares that for many of us, the dominant narrative of the Holocaust is “Jews went like lambs to the slaughter.” The class used the remarkable and award-winning documentary film Four Winters to explore an inspiring, but little-known, counternarrative: over 25,000 Jews courageously fought back against the Nazis and their collaborators, escaping into the forests of Eastern Europe and forming ragtag militias that bombed Nazi headquarters, train lines, and electric stations, and saved Jewish lives.  He also states, "It was an amazing experience to spend all day with the film’s director and producer, Julia Mintz. She discussed her filmmaking process: historical research, data-gathering, and interviews, as well as how she structured the narrative to tell a story about the ordinary women and men who, in the face of extraordinary odds, bravely stood up against tyranny and hatred."
Below is a website describing this incredible documentary!