Ms. Banfield’s classes learn about microbial fermentation

Ms. Banfield’s classes learn about microbial fermentation

Ms. Shangaza Banfield shares a wonderful lesson from her classes concerning yeast fermentation and bread. Here's a snippet:

"Did you know that the kitchen was the first laboratory for culinary scientists (cooks) to test yeast? Are you aware that there are 160 different species of yeast?

In this activity, Mrs. Banfield's students learned about how microbial fermentation using Saccharomyces cerevisiae (industrialized yeast) affected the global evolution of bread making. As apart of the CRSE (Culturally Responsive Sustaining Education) initiative in Stuyvesant High School, students were able to sample bread from around the world while their classmates presented their cultural connection to the bread making process."

(photos courtesy of Ms. Banfield and Sarah Chen)