Mr. Sandler's Jewish History class sees Fiddler On The Roof in Yiddish

Mr. Sandler's Jewish History class sees Fiddler On The Roof in Yiddish

Mr. Robert Sandler’s Jewish History class went to see the Yiddish version of the classic musical Fiddler on the Roof directed by Joel Grey. The class prepared for this trip by reading Sholem Alechiem’s short stories about shtetl life and studying his biography. They also examined Jewish life under the Czar in the Pale of Settlement through the poetry of Chaim Bialik and the artwork of Marc Chagall. They read stories from Yiddish literary geniuses, I. L. Peretz, Isaac Bashevis Singer and the great Russian Jewish writer, Issac Babel. The students laughed & wept as they watched Teyve’s struggles with his daughters, anti-Semitism & modernity. Ms. Sandler thanks the Stuyvesant High School Alumni Association for making this trip possible.