Mr. Sandler's APUSH class see a One Man Show: Eisenhower

Mr. Sandler's APUSH class see a One Man Show: Eisenhower

Mr. Robert Sandler took his APUSH students to go see a one man show about President Dwight Eisenhower last Wednesday. Directed by Peter Ellenstein, Eisenhower is adapted from the president's memoirs, speeches, and letters with the support of the Eisenhower Foundation and permission from David and Susan Eisenhower and the Eisenhower family. The play is set in 1962 at Eisenhower's Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, farm as New York Magazine has published its first list ranking American Presidents in order of greatness. Pondering his placement on the list, Eisenhower looks back on his life —-his Kansas upbringing, his decorated Army career, his victories in World War II and his two terms as President – contemplating the qualities and adversities that make an American President great. The students did a talkback with the producer and he asked Mr. Sandler to come on stage and participate!

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